Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coming Soon!

So, college is being college, and as such, I have been holding my eyelids open with toothpicks every night to get all of my assignments finished.

However, I have begun accumulating a list of things that I have seen/read/what-have-you that I will be reviewing soon!

First up, of course:

That's right. I saw the commercials and thought, "Yes. This needs to be watched." And then I watched it and thought to myself, "Self, this would make a fantastic review."

Secondly, you should all be warned that I am a major Supernatural fan.

Season 8? No, no. Season GR8 (again, thank you Tumblr). I am so very, very, very excited to get a review out about the beginning of this season so far. (Seriously, can we talk about Benny? I will be talking about Benny, with a focus on his [Cajun?] accent. Mmm.) It seems so very promising after two seasons of struggle-busing it.

There are more things, as well, but nothing as big as these two.

So bear with me and stick around a little while. These are totally worth waiting for.

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